Sunday 15 September 2013

Unit 1 inventory task

influence on me is that it works really well with the game and is a fun inventory.

Each game uses unique inventory systems that fit the games style and the inventory itself.

Weight Based:
Games produced by Bethesda like The Elder Scrolls Oblivion have a
weight based inventory system, these interfere with the game because you
have to keep track of items you need and don't need, making it difficult to
have what you want and make money on selling itmes. The inventory is always
themed to the game, in oblivion were the case is like a old scroll, so is the inventory.
It allows you to see your character, the armour equiped, his/her stats and quest logs.
It suits the gameplay because it's like an rpg game with it character menue and stats
other games don't usually show. My opinion is that it suits the gameplay perfectly and
it works well, also it is very is easy to use. The influence on me is the well organised
big inventory system which is also easy to use, it's a perfect fit for the game.

Games with limited inventory's like the Borderlands games limit the amount of loot you
can carry. The inventory is styled like a hologram that appears in front of you, you see
your character, and the weapons equiped, and the loot in your inventory, there is also
a quest log and a map of the surrounding area. Borderlands is a cell-shaded wasteland
rpg game capable of up to four players, holograms appear to be the most advanced
peice of tech there, so it suits the gameplay very well. My opinion is that it is a brilliant
inventory, it can be confusing at first but it doesn't take long to get to grips with it. It's

Menus that don't pause the game:
The game series Dead Space uses a holographic projection from your suit to show you
all you ammo, medpacks and stasis packs. The inventory shows you a item and weapon
screen, an objective screen and a audio/text log database screen. Dead space is a dark
and violent horror game set in the future, in the game you have no HUD, if you want to check
your ammo you will have to manualy check your equiped gun. The only way to know what you
have is to open the inventory, but it doesn't pause the game. So it suits the game very well. My
opinion is that it suits the game very very well, if it paused the game or just had a HUD it
wouldn't feel like the same game and wouldn't have that empty horror feel. It influences me
because it's one of the only games that have no HUD but does it really well.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

What i'm doing

My name is Adam Stallwood and I love playing games. I am studying games design in hope I can get a job in the gaming industry, I am incredibly interested in how games work and how they’re designed and hope to learn a lot from this course.

I have recently been playing Blood Bowl Chaos Edition, created by games workshop and using the same graphics and characters in the Warhammer world. It is a fantasy based strategy game and is played like American football, using a turn based system and rolling dice like a Warhammer game. The twist with this football game is the brutal violence within the game and the fact that you can kill players is a real game changer and also a play style. With 23 selectable characters and customisable colours, gear and stances there is plenty to do for just a strategy football game.